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Why are my landing pages blocked by Facebook/Instagram?
Why are my landing pages blocked by Facebook/Instagram?

In the article, we explain why you are not able to share your landing page in Facebook and Instagram.

siddarth avatar
Written by siddarth
Updated over a week ago

Please note that and are shared domain, used by tens of thousands of free users in our platform. Facebook has been very strict with what gets shared in their platform and when some content gets shared that goes against their community standard, they just block the entire domain ( not the hostname, just the entire domain ).

We constantly monitor what gets published in our platform but with a lot of users, it's difficult to completely remove unwanted content and once a domain is blocked, it's really hard to get it back in Facebook. But when you subscribe to a paid plan, you have other options like publishing in your own domain or we provide additional domain like .

Please note that this domain is also shared but it's just shared among our paid community so it's more reliable than .net or .page.

While as a paid member, you can certainly use , we always recommend to use your own custom domain for campaigns as it's not shared with anyone and it's reputation is a direct reflection of your actions.

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